How To Pay for Fertility Costs

If you’ve read part 1 then you’ve hopefully gained more clarity on how to face the financial needs of your fertility journey. Now it’s time to get into some of the nitty gritty tips for how you can create the financial plan that’s right for your family. This just scratches the surface in terms of […]

How to prepare for holidays that remind you of your fertility struggles

When I was newly struggling to get pregnant I went through that identity question, Am I a mom even without a living child? Eventually I considered myself a mom long before my child came Earth-side, but that was my personal experience and whichever label you need right now (or ever because needs and desires can […]

Here’s how to prepare for the HSG

The HSG. For so many people and couples it’s a stepping stone to fertility treatment. It’s also a common first step after you’re diagnosed as infertile or exploring your fertility after a loss. So, you’re facing that heartache and then you get this little poke. Yes, unless you have secondary infertility or assistance to conceive […]