How to be more hopeful on your fertility journey

If you’re on your fertility journey and have had doubts about being able to build the family you desire, then you aren’t a stranger to the ups and downs of hope. When I was trying to get and stay pregnant I was surprised how my hope would play hide and seek with every BFN (big […]

What to do when you’re overwhelmed

If you’re overwhelmed on your fertility journey, I believe you. There’s probably a lot pulling you in different directions. You legitimately have a lot of responsibilities and too much to do and think about. It might be because of fertility treatment, secondary infertility responsibilities, recurrent loss, egg freezing, or pregnancy. You’re drowning in your to-do […]

Tips for trying to get pregnant at home

If you’re embarking on your fertility journey and have the body parts to try at home, listen to my guest appearance on this podcast hosted by the bubbly and intelligent Holly at OV Boss Babes that aired in February 2022. If you’re just starting out on your fertility journey you may also want to check […]

1 Way to Stop Overthinking About Your Fertility

Let’s talk about overthinking when we’re trying to get and stay pregnant. It’s extremely common. I know the feeling all too well. Thoughts about fertility and family planning can be all consuming, like an annoying song that’s blasting loudly in your ear that you just can’t turn off. The thoughts are there when you’re doing […]

Gifts to receive or buy on your TTC journey

Anytime is the right time for gift giving but December is when exchanges happen more than any time in the year for a lot of us. But whether you’re reading this in December or July or near your birthday, you might want to consider these items for your fertility journey either for yourself or asking […]

Decision time! Choosing a fresh or frozen embryo transfer

You’re at a juncture and choosing whether to do a fresh or frozen embryo transfer (FET). Let me help if I can. In case you don’t know, this isn’t always something we have control over. An FET may be the only option if you’re at risk of OHSS and if you have a high Antral […]

How To Pay for Fertility Costs

If you’ve read part 1 then you’ve hopefully gained more clarity on how to face the financial needs of your fertility journey. Now it’s time to get into some of the nitty gritty tips for how you can create the financial plan that’s right for your family. This just scratches the surface in terms of […]

5 random life tips for your fertility journey

I put this list together because there’s so much to do to prepare for pregnancy and some parts can be forgotten. You might have already changed your diet, exercise regime, endocrine disruptor potential exposure, your mindset and so much more. But, here’s insider advice that you might not see in a brochure at your doctor’s […]

How to support a friend dealing with infertility

If you know someone struggling with infertility, thank you for considering what it might be like to walk in their shoes. That’s why you’re reading this. You’re trying to empathize and be a supportive friend. Thank you. Your friend who’s experiencing infertility is going through a tender time and it’s common for friendships to be […]

What to do right before and after an FET

You’re getting ready for your frozen embryo transfer (FET) so you probably have a mix of emotions. It was probably a significant journey to get to this point (is that the understatement of the year?). Now you want to know what to expect and how to make your FET a success. Here’s what it could […]

How to decide when to try and get pregnant (again or the first time)

Do you wish there was a questionnaire to find out, When should I (or we) start to try and get pregnant? Wouldn’t that be great? But it’s more complicated than that for a lot of us. I thought it would be a clear yes or no like a on-off switch. Instead it’s been a mirky, […]

Should I drink alcohol while trying to get pregnant?

Each fertility clinic and doctor has different advice about whether you should allow yourself to drink alcohol at various steps toward pregnancy, including before and leading up to IUI, egg retrieval, embryo transfer or a monitored cycle. To help, I’ve summarized a review of the latest research published in the British Columbia Medical Journal (BCMJ). […]