What to do right before and after an FET

You’re getting ready for your frozen embryo transfer (FET) so you probably have a mix of emotions. It was probably a significant journey to get to this point (is that the understatement of the year?). Now you want to know what to expect and how to make your FET a success. Here’s what it could […]

7 ways to prepare for an FET

You have a Frozen Embryo Transfer (FET) in your future and you have decisions to make. The good news is that you’re thinking about it so you’re focussing on (at least partly) what’s in your control. That’s something to appreciate about yourself! We often don’t take time to acknowledge all that we’re already doing to […]

A List of Fertility Clinics Across Canada

Woman sitting cross-legged on floor reading on laptop

Updated: April 2023. Let me get right to it. Your proximity to a fertility clinic isn’t the same as every other Canadian. It varies widely across the country. No territory has a full service fertility clinic, while some provinces have very few or none, and almost all fertility clinics are located in major cities. That […]

How to Decide Whether to PGT-A Your Embryos

Whether to PGT-A test your embryos or not is a decision to make with IVF. It can be overwhelming when you have to add this question to your already long list of decisions. Does it feel never ending sometimes, all these decisions? You’re not alone in that thinking. But having the key considerations laid out […]