How to Know When or If You’re Ovulating

There are a few reasons why you might be checking in on your ovulation, or lack of. If you’re trying to get pregnant, then learning about if or when you’re ovulating can help ensure you’re giving yourself the best chance to conceive on your own or with some assistance like timed intercourse (TI) with or […]

Tips for Buying At-home Pregnancy Tests

There are a lot of decisions at every step on your journey toward a baby but this one might seem less important: which pregnancy test to choose. Sometimes making a little decision can make the whole process less overwhelming. I like it when something is finally easy for you because I’m been in your shoes […]

What To Do When You’re Overwhelmed On Your Fertility Journey

If you’re overwhelmed on your fertility journey, I believe you. There’s probably a lot pulling you in different directions. You legitimately have a lot of responsibilities and too much to do and think about. It might be because of fertility treatment, secondary infertility responsibilities, recurrent loss, egg freezing, or pregnancy. You’re drowning in your to-do […]