A Few Tips on Surrogacy in Canada

In Canada we have a unique set of laws and they’re ever-changing. Surrogacy or a gestational carrier might be the only option that you’re exploring or the first option. You might not have the reproductive parts or you’ve tried with your own body or bodies but it could also be a choice early on. It’s a choice that’s right for some couples and if you’re clear on this, then that’s a major milestone.

You first have a choice when you go through a consultancy or find a known surrogate or search on your own.

First steps to get started:

  • Join a Facebook support group
  • Research various consultancies
  • Through your fertility clinic, ask for advice. There are clinics who have staff dedicated to researching surrogacy, especially if you have embryos stored there.
  • Speak to a fertility lawyer for a free discovery call.
  • Fertility Matters Canada

If you have a known surrogate or gestational carrier, then it’s a different route and choosing to get legal advice is a great start.

Check out this podcast The Baby Project Part 1 and 2.

Here are a great couple of resources for early research.

Follow Laura Your Fertility Coach on WordPress.com

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