A Reason to Laugh on Your Fertility Journey

It’s so easy to get sucked into that vortex of fertility stress. It can be like you’re drowning in emotions because you’re consumed with the fact that you’re not having your baby when you yearn for them. 

Laughter can yank you out of it. 

It’s a fertility secret that I wish was more well known.

Don’t get me wrong, dealing with your emotions is extremely important. I won’t sugar coat that. Laughter is meant to be used together with your plan to work through your darker feelings that come when you struggle with your fertility or on your fertility journey (e.g. journalling, meditation, seeing a counsellor, sessions with a Fertility Coach).

Including laughter on your fertility journey can be a life changing addition:

  • A small study found laughter to actually increase success slightly in IVF patients.
  • Laughter gives you the opportunity to feel alive, some peace and have a break from emotional pain
  • Laughter releases endorphins that can reduce physical pain.
  • Laughter reduces the flight or fight response which in turn aids you to make the best decisions possible. The evidence keeps piling up that proves having lower stress, which is achieved through laughing, helps you think more clearly. There are so many decisions you need to make while going through fertility treatment and thinking through carefully as well as communicating as stress-free as possible with your partner to make joint decisions is key. A clear head that knows what’s right for you gives you the better fertility action plan. 
  • Laughter brings down your stress. That reason alone is great, don’t you think? (Plus once you do get pregnant, you can keep the stress down and have that wonderful effect on your baby-to-be. )
  • Laughter is arguably the secret sauce for life. Pile it on!

So what makes you laugh?

It’s helpful to figure that out so you can sprinkle it into your daily schedule and have those laughter interruptions throughout your day. Forced or not, they have the exact same effect.

Personally, so much makes me laugh. I’ve got that loud don’t-hold-back kind of laugh that can be heard a block away (nope, that’s not a joke. I’ve been told.)

Here are some ideas for you to implement the new habit:

  • Stream a comedy series or stand up comedian.
  • Hilarious podcasts are an option.
  • YouTube or Amazon Prime streaming of Whose Line is it Anyway is a wholesome laugh fest.
  • Try online laughing yoga.
  • Peruse your fave Instagram or TikTok or Snapchat accounts that give you a chuckle.
  • Talk to a friend you find funny.

Or if you want a light hearted conversation with me, give me a call. Plus, I can help you with other stress reduction options and fertility tips.

What made you laugh lately?

Follow Laura Your Fertility Coach on WordPress.com

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